Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Recycled WTS beliefs
by Simon inwe all know the wts abandons and invents beliefs faster than apple can churn out new shiny stuff.
but have they ever abandoned a belief and later picked it up again?.
i remember many years ago we had one of those post-district-assembly review parts (part of the service meeting) where they were discussing some "new light".. there was some confusion about which was the "new" and which was the "old" and a semi-discussion ensued with people commenting.
Village Idiot
Oral sex between married couples. -
1 Meeting for each of your fingers ? ? ?
by william draper inanybody remember how this became a doctrine , years ago , we were at the meetings so that out fingers would be learning something .
Village Idiot
And where are these fingers supposed to go? -
Thought provoking articles / videos
by Simon ini came across this site and love it, just full of interesting things to read.
this one is particularly good about whether we are alone in the universe (as intelligent life) and what different scenarios could play out:.
Village Idiot
Thank you Simon. I was familiar with the Fermi Paradox rare earth theory (book) but there's a lot more on that site that is, as Spock used to say, fascinating. -
Why people don't believe in God
by pressman indo you want to know why i think people don't believe in god?
well i believe people don't want to believe in god because they are scared.
they know that if they finally do gorge the confidence to believe in him, he might discipline them for their skepticism.
Village Idiot
"Why people don't believe in God"
Because your god doesn't fill up our tummies like the god below.
Religion is a business in the God commodity market
by Brokeback Watchtower inbottom line money not god.
to grow a religion you need money and suckers who fall for your particular line of logic.. take away it's money to take away it's power.
the ceos of the watchtower corporation are running the religion/business into the ground because they can't make good business decisions and are caught in a awful web of delusions of grander and blind to the realities of the real world.
Village Idiot
@ Brokeback Watchtower,
"To grow a religion you need money and suckers who fall for your particular line of logic."
I disagree. There are many religions, like Buddhism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism and many others that seem to have come into existence without money playing a crucial role.
Why people don't believe in God
by pressman indo you want to know why i think people don't believe in god?
well i believe people don't want to believe in god because they are scared.
they know that if they finally do gorge the confidence to believe in him, he might discipline them for their skepticism.
Village Idiot
And what people tend to believe about God only contradicts what others believe about God and the belief that they are all going to suffer from eternal tortured based on their beliefs.
Why does God's ego have to be so narcissistic as to not tolerate those who don't believe in him?
The "great crowd" before 1935 and since
by Doug Mason inwhat was the seismic shift in thinking that rutherford required when he created the great multitude in 1935?
when did the great multitude, or the great crowd as it is now known, become jehovahs witnesses?.
Village Idiot
One of my favorite absurdities is how the Great Multitude that no man can number is calculated to be over 20 billion.
"Of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues.—"As the number of the Bride of Christ is to be 144,000, it would be reasonable to think that each number of this class may have 144,000 to look after, as 144,000x144,000 equals 20,736,600,000 (twenty billions seven hundred and thirty-six millions), evidently just about the right number to be cared for—144,000 would be quite a host for each individual of the Bride class to look after. So we can see the necessity the necessity for the work of the Great Company."—Question Meeting." - The Finished Mystery 1918 edition, page 138.
The "great crowd" before 1935 and since
by Doug Mason inwhat was the seismic shift in thinking that rutherford required when he created the great multitude in 1935?
when did the great multitude, or the great crowd as it is now known, become jehovahs witnesses?.
Village Idiot
Doug, sorry, I should have read your pdf first. -
The "great crowd" before 1935 and since
by Doug Mason inwhat was the seismic shift in thinking that rutherford required when he created the great multitude in 1935?
when did the great multitude, or the great crowd as it is now known, become jehovahs witnesses?.
Village Idiot
Doug, you can download a pdf of The Finished Mystery and do a word search under "Great Multitude". That should help.
PS, The "Great Multitude" was considered to be an inferior heavenly class compared to the 144,000.
7:9. After this, I beheld, and lo, a great multitude.—When the Apostle tells us in 2 John 8, “Look to yourselves that ye lose not those things which we have wrought, but that ye receive a full reward,” he is teaching that a Heavenly reward may be gained that is not as full as if a course more pleasing to the Heavenly Father is pursued. Instead of teaching that the saved of our race will all be saved to the same thing, the Scriptures show two degrees or kinds of Heavenly salvation, and two degrees or kinds of earthly salvation. In the second chapter of Genesis the stream which went forth from the Garden of Eden was divided into four parts. This is a Scriptural recognition of the fact that from Adam, the original fountain of life, will flow four streams: The Little Flock, who are to sit down with Christ in His Throne; the Great Company, who are to stand before the Throne, having the palms of martyrdom but without the crowns of glory; the Ancient Worthies, the Jewish fathers, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Daniel, etc., who are to be made princes in all the earth; and the world of mankind, who will constitute the subjects of the Kingdom over which the Ancient Worthies will rule. The same lesson is taught in the division of the Levites into four camps, each located on a different side of the Tabernacle. (Num. 3:15; F. 128, 129.) It is also taught in the Apostle's statement in 2 Tim. 2:20, that in God's great House there will ultimately be found four classes of vessels to
178 The Finished Mystery
The "great crowd" before 1935 and since
by Doug Mason inwhat was the seismic shift in thinking that rutherford required when he created the great multitude in 1935?
when did the great multitude, or the great crowd as it is now known, become jehovahs witnesses?.
Village Idiot
From what I recall reading in the book The Finished Mystery there were originally 4 or maybe 5 'classes'.
There were two heavenly classes, the 144,000 and the Great Multitude. The earthly classes included the non-Bible Students who survived Armageddon and two earthly classes including the resurrected Patriarchs (and Israelites) along with a general earthly resurrection. This was Charles Russell's doctrine. Don't know when it was all changed though but it appears that Joseph Rutherford did all the revision/simplification starting after Russell passed away.